Mr. Big and Me

The Forge Publick House
Week 4, July 24 Day 30 Sunday

We went to The Forge Publick House at Fort Collins for some drinks on Kaitlin’s birthday. And that was how I met Mr. Big. He was very sweet to oblige us with a souvenir picture.

I really did not notice those sharp teeth when I had this picture taken. I could have not posed alongside with him had I seen them earlier.

A Long and Winding Road

Road to Bethesda, Maryland
Week 2, Day 15 July 9 Saturday

On our second day in District of Columbia, Michael’s friend from State College, whom we shall call Mr. M, picked us up to bring us to Bethesda, Maryland. The plan was to meet up with the rest of their State College friends to go bowling somewhere in the afternoon. Most of their friends from college have found work in DC and are also staying in the Bethesda area.

Now, the road to Bethesda was not all that sweet. While Mr. M was driving on the freeway, the car’s right rear end tire gave way. We had to pull over so Mr. M could change the tire and we could continue our journey much safely.